铝建材MS 832及1017列入大马建筑法第四清单 9月执法

铝建材MS 832及1017列入大马建筑法第四清单 9月执法

(吉隆坡8日讯) MS 832(铝窗标准)和MS 1017(铝框拉门标准)已纳入大马建筑工业发展局(520法令)法令的第四清单(Fourth Schedule),预料会在9月1日开始执法。

大马建筑工业发展局(CIDB)建筑材料标准总经理纳西尔诺日前在出席MS 832(2022修订本)/MS 1017(2022修订本)研讨会上,作出上述宣布。




实际上,MS 832和MS 1017早在1984年和1986年获得政府通过铝窗和铝框拉门的标准规格,供业者参考和引用。这标准于2011年第二次修改,并在2020至2022年期间再次修改,并于去年10月获得国际贸易与工业部长批准及在宪报上颁布。


详情可向有关当局或马来西亚幕墙公会查询网站: https://pifm.com.my/。

At the seminar titled MOMENTALK (V2) – The Implementation of Enforcing the 4th Schedule under CIDB Act 520 for Aluminium Products based on the latest 2022 revision of MS 832 & MS 1017, which was held at the Shah Alam Convention Center on the 2nd March 2023, the General Manager of Standard & Construction Material Division at CIDB Malaysia, Sr Nazir Muhamad Nor, officially announced that the latest 2022 revision of MS 832 (Aluminium Window Standard) and MS 1017 (Aluminium Framed Sliding Door Standard) have been included in the Fourth Schedule of CIDB Act 520 regulations and will be fully enforced from 1st September 2023, as it was approved at a CIDB meeting on 31st January 2023.

More information on this new revision will be shared in a timely manner, meanwhile, please find the necessary info as below
