
敦煌,位于中国西北部甘肃省的最西端。作为古代“丝绸之路”上的重镇,迄今已有2000多年的历史。它总绾中西交通的“咽喉之地”,由敦煌出发,向东经河西走廊,可以前往汉唐古都长安(今西安)、洛阳;向西经过西域(今中国新疆地区),可以进入中亚、西亚及南亚诸国,还可以远达欧洲的罗马。敦煌特殊的地理位置,使它在欧亚文明互动和中国各民族文化交融的历史进程中占有重要的地位。国学大师季羡林称:“世界上历史悠久、地域广阔、自成体系、影响深远的文化体系只有四个:中国、印度、希腊、伊斯兰,再没有第五个,而这四个文化体系汇流的地方只有一个,就是中国的敦煌和新疆地区,再没有第二个。”敦煌藏经洞文物发现后遭到英、法、日、俄等国以“探险”之名盗窃劫掠,致使七万多件敦煌遗书中超过五分之四流落海外,中国国内仅存不到五分之一。流散海外的敦煌文物被分藏于十多个国家的四十多个博物馆和图书馆中。敦煌石窟和敦煌文献的丰富内涵和珍贵价值,不仅受到中国学者的极大重视,而且吸引了世界许多国家众多学者和机构竞相开展研究,遂在上世纪形成了一门国际显学——敦煌学。作为本年度我中心与甘肃部省合作“丝路·连接·对话”的一部分,本期,我们特邀敦煌研究院考古研究所所长张小刚,为马来西亚民众带来《敦煌石窟考古大发现》讲座。Topic: The Great Archaeological Discovery of Dunhuang Grottoes
讲座专家简介:张小刚(1977—),湖北省武汉市人,武汉大学历史学博士,敦煌研究院研究馆员、考古研究所所长,中国考古学会理事,中国敦煌吐鲁番学会常务理事,主要研究方向为石窟考古与敦煌学。2008-2010年受聘为日本东京艺术大学东洋美术史专业客座研究员,2016年6-7月在法国远东学院东亚文明研究中心访学,曾赴欧亚10多个国家和地区进行学术交流和考察。已出版专著3部,在国内外发表论文40余篇,主持国家社科基金重大项目等10余项课题,曾获甘肃省哲学社会科学优秀成果二等奖2次、三等奖1次。Zhang-Xiaogang(1977-), from Wuhan, Hubei province, History-Doctor of Wuhan University, researcher, now is the Director of Archaeological Institute of Dunhuang Academy, Council Member of Chinese Archaeological Society, Executive Director of Chinese Association of Dunhuang and Turfan Studies. whose main research direction is Cave-Archaeology and Dunhuang Studies. 2008-2010, he was employed as a visiting researcher of Oriental Art History at Tokyo University of Art. from June to July, 2016, he visited the East Asia Civilization Research Center of Ecole francaise d’Extreme-Orient(EFEO), and went to more than 10 countries and regions in Europe and Asia for academic exchanges and inspections. He has published 3 monographs, and published more than 40 papers at home and abroad, presided over more than 10 major projects of the National Social Science Fund, and won the Second Prize(2 times) and the Third Prize(1 time) of the Outstanding Achievements in Philosophy and Social Sciences of Gansu province .敦煌石窟是世界现存规模最大、延续时间最长、内容最丰富、保存最完整的艺术宝库,是世界文明长河中的一颗璀璨明珠,也是研究中国古代各民族政治、经济、军事、文化、艺术的珍贵史料。1900年,莫高窟藏经洞发现了大量佛经、绘画、社会文书等,由此促生了一门世界性显学——敦煌学。1961年莫高窟被国务院公布为第一批全国重点文物保护单位,1987年被联合国教科文组织列入“世界文化遗产”名录。100多年来,在敦煌石窟范围内不断有考古方面的新发现,中外学者关于敦煌石窟考古方面的新成果也不断涌现。1963—1966年,1979—1980年,1999年考古工作者几次对窟前遗址进行清理发掘,发现了一批殿堂遗址和一些新的窟龛。1988—1995年由彭金章先生领队对莫高窟北区进行了全面科学的大规模考古清理发掘。樊锦诗等编著的《敦煌石窟全集》第1卷《莫高窟第266—275窟考古报告》于2011年出版,在全国形成示范效应。进入新世纪以后,敦煌石窟考古事业可以说是方兴未艾,无论是敦煌石窟及其周边的遗址考古发掘清理,还是编写洞窟内容考古报告,乃至关于石窟的其他考古研究课题,都需要一代又一代的敦煌考古学人继续发扬“坚守大漠,甘于奉献,勇于担当,开拓进取”的“莫高精神”,不畏寂寞和辛苦,扎实工作,砥砺前行。Dunhuang Grottoes are the largest, longest-lasting, richest and most completely saved art treasure house in the world, a bright pearl in the long river of world civilization, and precious historical materials for studying the politics, economy, military affairs, culture and art of ancient Chinese nationalities. In 1900, a large number of Buddhist sutra manuscripts, paintings and social documents were discovered in cave 17 of Mogao Caves, this discovery gave birth to the world-famous study—Dunhuangology. In 1961, Mogao Caves was announced by the State Council as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units, and in 1987, it was listed in the World Cultural Heritage List by UNESCO. In the past 100 years, there are new archaeological discoveries in Dunhuang Grottoes and surrounding area, and new studies on the archaeology of Dunhuang Grottoes by Chinese and foreign scholars are constantly emerging. Between 1963-1966, 1979-1980, and 1999, archaeologists cleaned and excavated the sites in front of the caves for several times, and found a number of palace sites and some new caves. From 1988 to 1995, professor Peng-Jinzhang and his team carried out a comprehensive and scientific large-scale archaeological excavation of the northern area of Mogao Caves. In 2011,the Archaeological Report of cave 266-275 of Mogao Caves was published,which edited by Fan-Jinshi and her team, has formed a demonstration effect throughout the country. After entering the new century, the archaeological works of Dunhuang Grottoes has reached a new period, the archaeological works of Dunhuang Grottoes and its surrounding sites, the preparation of archaeological reports on the contents of the caves, and other archaeological research topics about the grottoes, all the above works needs for generations of our archaeologists continue to carry forward the Mogao-Spirit(莫高精神) of “sticking in the desert, willing to devote, bravely take-on, and forging ahead”(坚守大漠,甘于奉献,勇于担当,开拓进取), working hard and moving on without fear of loneliness and hardship.