2022文化和自然遗产日:中国旅游课程 “北京非遗体验”短视频上线

2022年中国“文化和自然遗产日”到来之际,“中国旅游课程”推出一期北京非遗体验短视频,由在北京生活了11年的旅游专家Bora带您在北京体验太极拳、面塑、中医、景泰蓝四项有趣的非遗项目。北京有3000多年建城史和800多年建都史,非遗资源十分丰富。在本期视频中,Bora将带领我们从清晨在地坛公园与练习太极拳开始,感受太极拳中蕴含的阴阳循环、天人合一的中国传统哲学思想,随后到同仁堂了解中医药养生知识,体验中医疗法,Bora还将走进北京胡同,与面塑大师相遇,感受面塑这项中国传统民间艺术的魅力,最后前往北京珐琅厂,了解景泰蓝这一精美绝伦的宫廷艺术的制作奥秘,景泰蓝的制作工艺既运用了青铜和烧瓷的传统技术,又吸收了传统绘画和雕刻的技法,堪称中国传统工艺的集大成者。“中国旅游课程”还将持续推出精彩视频,了解更多中国旅游和文化知识,敬请关注:https://course.chinaculture.orgJune 11th of 2022 is China’s Cultural and Natural Heritage Day, and this year’s theme of celebration is “Connecting modern life and emitting new lustre”. Intangible cultural heritage embodies the continuous development of Chinese civilization, carries the Chinese people’s yearning for an even better life, and radiates everlasting vitality and creativity through generations, bringing aesthetic and recreational fun to our lives today. Up to now, China has 42 remarkable elements inscribed on the list of UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage,whose quantities are ranked the first in the world.Upon the coming of the Cultural and Natural Heritage Day 2022, China Travel Course is launching a newly made video clip promoting Beijing’s intangible cultural heritage. Our host Bora, a tourism expert living in Beijing for 11 years, will take us to experience the fascinating local cultural heritage in four areas: Tai Ji Quan (Tai Chi), Dough Sculpture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Cloisonné.With a history of more than 3,000 years as an urban settlement, including 800 years of being the capital, Beijing is a city abundant in intangible cultural heritage resources. In this video, Bora will begin the day tour from the early morning Tai Ji Quan (Tai Chi) practice in the Temple of Earth Park to feel the balance of ‘yin’ and ‘yang’, and learn about the unity of humanity and nature in Chinese philosophy. Next, he’ll walk into Tongrentang to learn about Traditional Chinese Medicine and receive some traditional treatments. Bora will also take a stroll in hutongs to meet a master of dough sculpture and try to discover the magic of this traditional Chinese handicraft. His final stop will be the Beijing Enamel Factory, a place where the craftsmen will show us the exquisite art of cloisonné. The production process of cloisonné is an icon of traditional Chinese craftsmanship, a combination of traditional techniques of bronze and porcelain firing and fine touches of traditional painting and sculpture.For more videos and knowledge about China’s culture and tourism, check out the China Travel Course at https://course.chinaculture.org