Medical Supplies Donation Ceremony to Malaysia | 向马来西亚医院捐赠医疗物资仪式
The impact of Covid-19 has seriously affected the lives of Malaysians, and many areas are still in short supply of epidemic prevention materials. In order to help Malaysia fight the epidemic, following the successful 2020 Donation campaign, MayCham China in Shanghai has decided to contribute to help Malaysians overcome the battle against Covid-19.新冠疫情的冲击,严重影响了马来西亚人民的生活,众多地区的防疫物资依然十分短缺。为了帮助马来西亚战胜疫情,继成功开展2020年捐助活动后,中国马来西亚商会·上海决定为帮助马来西亚同胞们战胜新冠肺炎疫情做出贡献。
On November 23rd, in the presence of Consul General of Malaysia in Shanghai Tuan Syed Farizal Aminy Syed Mohamad, Cousul of Matrade Tuan Syed Mohamad Fairus Shaik Ismail and Mr. Li Haifeng, CEO of Fosun International, Chairman of Fosun Foundation and Fosun Trade, MayCham China in Shanghai, together with Yechiu Group and Mega P&C, held the Donation Ceremony of Medical Supplies to Malaysia Hospitals at Fosun Global Anti-epidemic Headquarters in BFC.11月23日,中国马来西亚商会·上海携手怡球集团、麦加芯彩,在马来西亚驻沪总领事赛义德·法瑞泽·艾米尼阁下,马来西亚对外贸易发展局(Matrade)商务领事赛义德先生和复星国际执行总裁、复星基金会理事长、复星商社董事长李海峰先生的见证下,在BFC外滩金融中心的复星全球抗疫指挥部举行向马来西亚医院捐赠医疗物资仪式。
This time a total of RMB 230,000 was collected, with RMB80,000 from MayCham China in Shanghai, RMB100,000 from Yechiu Group and RMB50,000 from Mega P&C. All donations will be used to purchase disposable medical protective clothing, disposable N95 masks and other medical supplies, which will be transported back to Malaysia with the arrangement of Fosun Group. The NGO group, Tzu-Chi Merits Society Malaysia will be the receiver in Malaysia and will assist to transfer the supplies to local hospitals.此次捐赠共筹集人民币23万元,分别由中国马来西亚商会·上海筹集人民币8万元、怡球集团筹集人民币10万元、麦加芯彩筹集人民币5万元。 所有的善款将用于购买一次性医用防护服,一次性医用N95口罩等医疗物资,并由复星集团协助运回马来西亚,由非盈利机构慈济基金会-马来西亚分会代为接受并转送至马来西亚当地医院。
▲Consul General of Malaysia in Shanghai Tuan Syed Farizal and representatives of relevant enterprises visited the Global Headquarters of Fosun and spoke highly of Fosun Group’s unremitting efforts during the fight against the Covid-19.马来西亚驻沪总领事赛义德阁下及相关企业代表参观了复星全球抗疫指挥部并高度赞扬了复星集团在抗疫期间所作出的不懈努力。
Afterwards, Tuan Syed Farizal fully affirmed the donation ceremony and expressed his gratitude to the donor enterprises and MayCham China in Shanghai for their generosity in his speech. At the same time, he expressed his appreciation for Fosun’s proper arrangement of the donated supplies and hoped to take this opportunity to deepen the cooperation between the Malaysian government and its enterprises in China and Fosun, and jointly explore more mutually beneficial cooperation opportunities.
Mr. Li Haifeng, CEO of Fosun International, Chairman of Fosun Foundation and Fosun Trade said, “Fosun Group is duty-bound to fight the epidemic. Fosun will give full play to its advantage in the global supply chain to meet the needs of all sectors of Malaysian industry and expand win-win cooperation in the post-epidemic era. Fosun Trade will focus on exploring Asean trade opportunities, working with Malaysian enterprises to inject energy into the economic recovery of the region, and actively fulfill their social responsibilities.”
Last but not least, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and thanks to Yechiu Group and Mega P&C for their generous donation and continued support.