

Systech Bhd执行董事拿督黄伟毓(左起)和拿督许家豪、EH Integrated System私人有限公司(EISSB)董事沈振宇及EISSB业务经理李荣豪出席合作协议签署仪式。

(吉隆坡24日讯)资讯科技服务公司Systech Bhd(KL:SYSTECH)计划与一家提供工业级服务器和存储解决方案的公司合作发展及经营数据中心。

根据与Eh Integrated Systems私人有限公司(EISSB)的合作,Systech将开发数据中心营运所需的应用程序和软件,包括设计、编码、测试和部署。



KUALA LUMPUR (June 24): IT services firm Systech Bhd (KL:SYSTECH) said on Monday that it plans to develop and operate data centres, together with a  firm offering industrial-grade servers and storage solutions.

Under the partnership with Eh Integrated Systems Sdn Bhd (EISSB), Systech said it will develop essential applications and software for data centre operations, including design, coding, testing and deployment.

The two-year agreement has no fixed-value, as the terms depend on the revenue generated, added Systech in a bourse filing on Monday.

The company said that EISSB, on its part, will procure the necessary equipment and infrastructure for the joint venture, which encompasses graphics processing units, servers, storage systems, networking equipment, cooling systems and power supply units. Additionally, EISSB commits to offering technical support, training and resources.  
