


Culture and arts are important means of communication among different ethnic groups. Malaysia has been a shared home for multiple ethnic groups since ancient times, and their diverse cultures have blended and contributed to the development of Malaysia. Malaysia and China have a long history of friendly exchanges, sharing common values, cultural integration, and close people-to-people ties. The integration  and exchange of these different cultural elements have formed a unique Malaysian culture, which has nurtured the diversity and richness of Malaysian figure paintings.”


The “Integration and Diversity: Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Malaysian Figure Paintings of Eminent Artists” aims to showcase the diversity and the power of integration of Malaysian culture through the display of contemporary Malaysian figure paintings. It also aims to explore the mutual influence and exchange between different cultures, as well as play a significant role of art in promoting cultural exchange and inheritance.


The exhibition will feature works by acclaimed contemporary Malaysian Figure Paintings, including both established masters and promising young artists with great potential. Through their outstanding works, these artists will demonstrate the diversities and uniqueness of contemporary Malaysian figure painting, as well as their profound insights into  Malaysian society and culture.


This exhibition will provide an important platform for the development of contemporary Malaysian art, and offers an opportunity for Malaysian artists and audiences to engage in cross-cultural dialogue and exchange. We look forward to sharing and experiencing the charm of multiculturalism with audiences from both Malaysia and China, exploring together the integration and development of art in different cultural contexts. We hope this will inject new vitality into promoting cultural inheritance and mutual learning between Malaysia and China, deepening the friendship between peoples of the both countries.


The notice for call for submissions for this exhibition is hereby announced as follows:



Exhibition Theme

“Integration and Diversity”: Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Malaysian Figure Paintings of Eminent Artists
Organizational Structure

主办单位 Organizer:

中国文化中心 | 吉隆坡

China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur

Pusat Kebudayaan China

协办单位 Co-Organizers:

亚洲美术家协会,马来西亚 (AAAM)

Asia Artists Association, Malaysia

Persatuan Seniman Senilukis Asia, Malaysia

马来西亚吉胆岛艺术协会 (PKAA)

Pulau Ketam Art Association

Persatuan Kesenian Pulau Ketam


Exhibition Rules and Regulations

1、展览日期 Exhibition Period:
2023年7月10日至8月10日 (10 July – 10 Aug 2023)

2、展览地点 Exhibition Venue:

中国文化中心 | 吉隆坡  China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur

3、主题 Theme:


The theme and style of the artwork should be related to “Integration and Diversity – Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Malaysian Figure Paintings of Eminent Artists”. The works should reflect the multicultural characteristics of Malaysia, reflect the theme and content of the exhibition, and have unique creativity and artistic value.

4、参展模式 Exhibition Mode:

4.1.名家邀请 Invited Art Masters/ Eminent Artists


Open call for submissions (The organizer will form Members of the Committee of Judges and Experts of artworks selection, except for the invited works by renowned artists/art masters)

5、作品格式 The Format of the Artwork:

原创作品,画种不限,以人物画为主(雕塑作品除外),要求未参加过其他展览的作品,马来西亚公民及驻本地的外国人均可报名参展。每人参展1幅,画作尺寸长宽不超过100cm(包括外框), 并且提呈作品基本参考价格。

Original works in any medium, with a focus on portraiture (excluding sculpture), are accepted. The works must not have been exhibited in other exhibitions before. Both Malaysian citizens and foreigners residing in Malaysia are eligible to participate. Each participant can submit one work, with dimensions not exceeding 100cm in length and width (including frame), and a basic reference price for the artwork must be provided.

6、资料信息提供 Information and Details to be Provided:

在5月19日前,请将作品照片、个人简历(200字内)、个人头像和填写好的表格发送到 event@chinacuturalcentre.my,可发邮件索取表格,或填写Google  form。要求照片像素在1MB以上,表格要求word格式,不接受图像和手写表格。

Please submit the photo of the artwork, a personal resume (200 words or less), a personal passport size picture, and the completed form to event@chinaculturalcentre.my  before 19 May 2023. You can request the form via email or submit via Google Form. The photo must have a pixel resolution of 1MB or higher, and the form must be in Word format. Image or handwritten forms will not be accepted.

7、截稿日期 Deadline:

2023年5月19日,下午5时前  (Before 19 May 2023, 5PM)

8、作品提交 Artwork Submission

入选作品将发邮件通知,没有入选的不再通知。入选画家请于7月3日前,上午10am至下午5pm 将作品自行装裱或装框完好,自费邮寄或送到吉隆坡中国文化中心。送交作品必须是入选照片作品,主办方有权拒绝入选以外的作品参展。

The selected works will be notified by email, and those who are not selected will not be notified. Selected artists are required to mount or frame their works in good condition and deliver  to the  China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur before 3 July 2023 by 10am to 5pm  at their own expense. The submitted works must be the ones that have been selected based on the submitted photos. The organizer reserves the right to reject any artwork that was not selected for the exhibition.

收件地址Delivery Address: Lot 1-2-1, Menara Bangkok Bank, Berjaya Central Park, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur.

9、退件日期 Date of Return:


Please collect your artwork by yourself within a month after the exhibition ends. If you need to return your artwork by postal, please contact the organizer before the end of the exhibition. The organizer shall not be responsible for any damage or loss of artworks that are not collected on time.



T&Cs Apply


The organizers will distribute exhibition art catalogs and participation certificates to the invited and selected artists  on the opening day.


The selected artworks will be exhibited on the Official Website, Facebook Page and Wechat official account of China Cultural Centre, Asia Artists Association Malaysia and Pulau Ketam Art Association.

中国文化中心 | 吉隆坡

China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur

官网 Official Website :


脸书专页 Facabook Page : 


微信公众号 Wechat Account :吉隆坡中国文化中心


Asia Artists Association Malaysia

官网 Official Website :


脸书专页 Facabook Page : 


微信公众号 Wechat Account :亚协艺术天地


Pulau Ketam Art Association

脸书专页 Facabook Page


3、作品不能含有宗教 、种族、政治、色情的诋毁与破坏友好之行为与内容。

The works shall not consists any sensitivity contents that defames or undermines religious, racial, political, or pornography that may damage relationship, peace and harmony of the community and society.


As this exhibition is non-profit, if any artworks are purchased or collected by others, the artist will have 100% of sales rights. 10% of the artwork’s value will be used for commonweal purpose.


The organizer will not be responsible for any loss or damage to the exhibited artworks during transportation, or for any damage caused by force majeure. Participants shall not hold the organizer liable or make any claims. It is recommended to purchase transportation insurance.


The works must be original, and any legal disputes arising from works that are copied or imitated will be the responsibility of the author.


In the event of any human-induced damage to the received artworks, the organizer will provide compensation up to a maximum of 10% of the artwork’s value.


The organizer reserves the rights to publicize all the exhibited works.


The organizer reserves the rights of final interpretation of the above terms and conditions.

展览联系人 Contact Person

李文彬 Mr Chris Lee

张雪敏 Ms Shermaine Chang


Tel: 603-2181 2456


Submission Methods

方法1:在5月19日前,请将作品照片、个人简历(200 字内)、个人头像和填写好的表格发送到 event@chinacuturalcentre.my

Method 1:Please submit the photo of the artwork, a personal resume (200 words or less), a personal passport size picture, and the completed form to event@chinaculturalcentre.my before 19 May 2023.


Download the Registration Form





或 or

方法2:在5月19日前,填写Google  form报名。

Method 2:Submit via Google Form before 19 May 2023.


Click link below to register







“China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur”




“China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur”



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