
展览采用了“历史+人文+旅游”的叙事方式,通过“秦时明月 朗照古今”“以汉之名 武威远扬”“葡萄美酒 盛唐风韵”“茶香马鸣 丝路新声”这四个板块,展示甘肃省天水、武威、敦煌、张掖等12个城市的48幅精美画面,勾勒出诗词里的甘肃,淋漓尽致地呈现着甘肃的美景、人文与丝路画境。
Landscape Along the Silk Road
Qin Era’s Bright Moon And Border-pass Stay the Same
Picture Exhibition
http://sczl.xideshucang.com/h5/index.html#/甘肃,镶嵌在古丝绸之路上的一柄玉如意。这里,“一带一路”文化底蕴深厚,从河西走廊开始的丝绸之路,正是由古至今中华民族对外交流、贸易的窗口。两千年的时光为她积淀起丰厚的文化底蕴,盛大、辉煌、风华正茂,如同西北大地上的一颗明珠,与这个文化自信的时代交相呼应。Gansu has been a jade Ruyi inlaid on the ancient Silk Road. Gansu features profound cultural heritage along the Belt and Road. Silk Road, which has run from the Kansu Corridor, has act as a window for the Chinese nation’s foreign exchange and trade from ancient times till now. The rich cultural heritage there has been a result of accumulation over two thousand years. Gansu, grand, brilliant and in full bloom, is like a pearl in the northwest, echoing the era advocating the confidence in culture.伏羲文化旅游节 (天水市) 甘肃省文化和旅游厅提供鸣沙山月牙泉景区 (敦煌市) 甘肃省文化和旅游厅提供莫高窟第158窟 (敦煌市) 甘肃省文化和旅游厅提供鸠摩罗什寺之冬 (武威市) 甘肃省文化和旅游厅提供扎尕那风光 (甘肃省甘南藏族自治州)甘肃省文化和旅游厅提供河西油菜花种植 (张掖市) 甘肃省文化和旅游厅提供来源:阅读原文