【最新活动】龙年过节Chinese New Year Gathering2024
2024年新春将至,中国马来西亚商会再次举办新年聚会,邀请各界马来西亚同胞、会员及朋友们一起庆祝,祈愿今年风生水起,合家欢乐,万事如意!As we welcome the new year of 2024, MayCham once again organizes the Chinese New Year gathering, inviting all Malaysians, Members and Friends to celebrate the coming Year of The Dragon!

时间 Date & Time
January 26, 2024, 7:30pm
地点 Venue
北京望京凯悦酒店 – Market Café 咖啡厅
Hyatt Regency Beijing Wangjing – Market Café.
入场券 Ticket
会员 Member
【RMB288 /人person】
非会员 Non Member
【RMB318 /人person】

1. 6岁-12岁儿童半价,6岁以下免费。Children aged 6 – 12 can enjoy half price,aged below 6 is complimentary.2. 如您是本商会在册会员,但您的链接并不显示会员价,请联系客服。If you are our registered member but your link does not show the membership price, please contact customer service。3. 每位会员可以会员价限购3张入场券,超出部分按原价计算。Each member can purchase 3 tickets at the membership price, and the excess will be calculated at the original price.4. 购买后凭电子卷/卷码入场,可在“中国马来西亚商会”小程序中查看订单及电子券。After purchase, you can enter with the e-voucher. You can view the order form and e-voucher in the mini program of Maycham.5. 本券仅限活动日当天的指定时段内使用,活动当天请于中国马来西亚商会签到处(餐厅入口)核销入场。This voucher is only valid for the designated period on the event day. Please show the ticket at the Maycham reception (restaurant entrance) on the event day.___________________________________
客服电话:+86 13811245282
