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《和》专题视频下篇 |开枝散叶



【信仰的背后】马来西亚华人人口最密集的州属— —槟城,有一个郑和脚印?但郑和可能未曾踏足槟榔屿?马来西亚国内多地都有祭拜三保公的庙宇,华人对三保公的敬仰,反映的是怎样的情感寄托?




吉隆坡中国文化中心 :https://www.facebook.com/chinaculturalcentreKL


访问网 :https://www.facebook.com/theinterviewasia

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“HE” Special Feature Video Part II | Growing Beyond Borders

To celebrate the remarkable milestone of the 50th anniversary of China-Malaysia diplomatic relations, the China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur and the Chinese Bridge Club (Kuala Lumpur) proudly present the special feature video He. Officially supported by Malaysia’s Ministry of National Unity and the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Malaysia, and produced by The Interview, this video is thoughtfully crafted into two episodes: Embarking on New Horizons and Growing Beyond Borders.

Land of Life and Death

Whenever one visits Malacca, a stroll around the Poh San Teng Temple at the foot of Bukit China is a must. However, few realize that the cemetery behind the temple holds a wealth of historical treasures narrating the deep-rooted friendship between China and Malaysia. This site serves as an early testament to the harmonious relationships between the Chinese and Malay communities in Malacca. How much of the stories about Sam Poh Well, Zheng He, and Princess Hang Li Po are based on historical facts, and how much are mere legends?

Beyond Faith

Penang, the Malaysian state with the highest Chinese population, boasts a site known as Zheng He’s footprint. But did Zheng He ever set foot on Penang Island? Across Malaysia, numerous temples are dedicated to the veneration of Sam Poh Kong. What emotions and spiritual needs are reflected in the Chinese community’s reverence for this figure?

The Future of China-Malaysia Relations  

From top leadership to grassroots exchanges, Malaysia and China today share frequent interactions. Looking back at the early days of diplomatic relations, what were the initial challenges and milestones? Looking ahead, how can the spirit of Zheng He inspire and shine anew in this modern era?

.Join us in uncovering more of the cultural heritage left behind by Zheng He, and together let us explore how to bring the values of his legacy to life in today’s world. The story of  China and Malaysiais far from over, and the work of seeking, documenting, and continuing Zheng He’s legacy will persist through generations.

▍Global Launch Online Platforms:

China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur: https://www.facebook.com/chinaculturalcentreKL

Chinese Bridge Club (Kuala Lumpur) https://www.facebook.com/hanyuqiaoM

The Interview:https://www.facebook.com/theinterviewasia


27th December 2024 (Friday),8:00PM






“China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur”




“China Cultural Centre in Kuala Lumpur”


